PREVIEW (click to view slideshow)
Song for Mama (献给阿妈的歌)
(lyrics & melody by unknown, arr. by D. Liang & A.
Performed by Chen Honglin (陈红林)
Spoken words by his mother (李文秋)
Traditionally a Tibetan song (rewritten in modern times in
Mandarin), this song is typically sung by a child who misses his
mother. Chen Honglin’s performance of this song was so touching
that it inspired us to seek out his parents and all the other
students' parents back in Wenchuan County.
We arrived at their home on top of a mountain in Wenchuan on March
18. We saw that his parents were building their new home from the
rubble of the old one and decided to incorporate these
reconstruction sounds into the drumbeat. Honglin’s mom weeped when
we played her the a cappella recording of her son singing. Honglin
and his parents have been separated since last August when his
school was relocated out of the earthquake zone. They don’t know
when they will see each other again. The voice in the song is his
mother saying, “Honglin, study hard so that you can keep on
singing. Your mom and dad will always support you”, and at the end,
“Mama will always support you.”