PREVIEW (click to view slideshow)
(Traditional lyrics & melody, translated into Chinese by
A.Washburn, arr by D.Liang & A.Washburn)
Intro passage by relocated Guangji Kindergarten Class in Luoshui,
Student sounds & voices from relocated Wenchuan Shuimou Middle
Spoken word performed by sisters Garang & Lalang Zuo
Abigail Washburn has taught this translation of the traditional
American folk song to many audiences throughout China over the past
six years. Last December she taught it to the Guangji Kindergarten
as a part of a performance connected to a Sichuan Quake Relief
investigatory mission to learn about the needs of the school and
how they could help. After that visit, the Kindergarten integrated
Little Birdie into their song repertoire and performed it every
time SQR volunteers came by with supplies. The beginning of the
track is a recording of the Guangji Kindergarten singing to the
accompaniment of an old pump organ. Thanks to Peter Goff, president
of SQR, for taking the recorder with him to the school to capture
this recording!
The main body of the song incorporates sounds recorded in the
classrooms and on the playground. You can hear the 8th grade art
class singing "Little Birdie" here. The spirit of this song is to
represent the communal way of the students’ "displaced" lives, as
is clear in the words read from a banner hanging above the
playground throughout the song: “Hand in hand, hearts connected, we
are all one heart, one love, one family.”
Handwritten Lyrics (click to view)
xiao xaio niao’er, xiao xiao niao’er
wo zai zher de shijian bu chang
qing ni wei wo chang zhi xiao diao
wo yi qu jiu bu zai lai
Little birdie, little birdie
Come and sing to me your song
I got a short time to stay here
And a long time to be gone
Spoken Word:
shou shou xiang qian
xinxin xiang lian
women dou shi xiang qin xiang ai yi jiaren
“Hand in hand, hearts connected, we are all one heart, one love, one family”